Black Brook and tributaries Restoration

Black Brook and tributaries Restoration

This project aims to commence restoration in Black Brook, and finalize restoration efforts on Six Mile Brook.  In Black Brook, The work will mainly comprise channel consolidation and debris removal in the upper portion and installation of approximately 10 restoration structures (e.g.digger logs, deflectors) and the feasibility of installing of fish ladder in a barrier culvert will also be evaluated and ideally implemented.  A further 5 deflectors will be installed and a number of debris blockages removed on Six Mile Brook to complete restoration efforts  in this system.

Black Brook has several road crossings, passes through a historically forested area, and is part of the Sydney Well Field watershed.  The headwaters of the brook at Hay Lake are plagued by debris blockages and braiding resulting from beaver dams. Channel consolidation and debris removal would help restore the channel and would be very beneficial in this part of the brook.  Further down the brook, stretches of the channel are very shallow and lack a thalweg, which makes it difficult for fish to swim through and causes the temperature to rise to undesirable levels; digger logs would help to remedy this. Digger logs have a variety of positive effects, including meander development, pool creation, oxygen-content improvement, thalweg enhancement, and controlled sediment deposition. Further, the confluence of Black Brook and Mira River are subject to large debris blockages which could cause backwatering or braiding. A culvert on Black Brook also has a high outflow drop which excludes some fish from the upstream portion of the brook. This could be improved with a fish ladder to allow small fish access to upstream habitat.   



Latitude: 46° 3' 40.968" N
Longitude: 60° 8' 24.9" E
Watershed reference: 
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