Dutch Brook Restoration Project
Dutch Brook was selected as a stream that required restoration because it was over widened and as a result large sections of the stream became very shallow during the summer months. These sections of the stream also were without meanders, or pools, flowing in straight runs for long distances or splitting into shallow braids. The Dutch Brook Restoration Project involved the instillation of four digger logs and three pairs of deflectors. Deflectors keep the water from eroding the stream bank on the digging side of the log while promoting pool and thalweg development. Two debris blockages were also removed from the stream. These restoration techniques were implemented to consolidate braids into a single channel, promote the formation of meanders, improve the quality and depth of pool habitat, and enhance the thalweg. In total, ACAP Cape Breton has restored 3055 square meters of stream habitat.
Longitude: 60° 15' 15.732" W