Fish passage improvements within the Cheticamp River watershed

Fish passage improvements within the Cheticamp River watershed

This project aims to address a number of critical barriers to fish passage within the Cheticamp River watershed by completing instream work at two work sites with fish passage concerns on the lower Cheticamp River and restoring fish passage on three smaller watercourses within the watershed (Aucoin, Fiset, & Farm brooks). The work on the Cheticamp River is two-pronged: it will be a continuation of a collaborative effort between CRSA and Parks Canada to restore impacted habitat and improve fish passage where the river is unnaturally overwidened wih installation of  rock structures by machine and will also involve conducting a temperature analysis of the Cheticamp River, including water temperature in the reservoir. The work on the smaller watercourses will focus on reopening blocked sections where channel infilling has restricted access to important spawning and rearing habitat for Atlantic salmon and other native fish species (Note: these small streams all have small runs of wild Atlantic salmon and native Brook trout and are considered important genetic reservoirs for the species).

Watershed reference: 
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