L’sitkuk Waterway: Anko’tmnej Nme’jk
This project is seen as a natural next phase of our important work to maintain/restore aquatic connectivity and spawning pools for our fish (nme’jk). Working on local streams that feed into the L’sitkuk watershed (the Bear River), we will: update previous digger logs from 2012, update our design to include upstream components (eg. new logs or liming), assess culverts along these routes and plan for remediation work, repair damage in West Branch where a community road washed out and into the water in 2016, and collect new water quality data. In addition, we will train the stream restoration crew in new environmental laws affecting waterways, culvert/connectivity, and insect presence as indicators of ecological health for various fish species. Our team has been working to try in-stream incubation equipment instead of looking to raise fish young elsewhere and restock. Additionally, we understand that we must incorporate new components to ensuring the safe passage of salmon, trout, striped bass and eel by assessing the culverts and other obstructions along the brooks.